17 February


Key pointers Outdoor play is good for your child’s physical health, development and self-confidence. It’s also great fun! Encourage your child to play outside several times a day! Outdoor play ideas include tummy time, ball play, nature walks, bike rides and more Why outdoor play is important Playing outside gives your child the chance to explore the natural environment and have adventures. Your child can play games, test their physical limits, express themselves and build their self-confidence. Outdoor play can also mean more mess – and more mess often means more fun! When your child is outside, your child probably has more space and freedom for big movements like running, jumping, kicking and throwing. Physical activities like these are good for your child’s health, fitness and physical development. Spending time outdoors might lower your child’s chances of developing short-sightedness. And a bit of safe play in the sun can be good too –...
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01 January


  There’s a parenting question that comes up perhaps more frequently than any other. We seem to be able to wrap our heads around how to respectfully set limits, offer choices, acknowledge their feelings, understand the differences between natural and logical consequences, even calmly support them through tantrums. But when push comes to shove, there is one thing that stumps us: “What do I do when they simply refuse to do what I am asking them to do?” I would reword the question, actually.  Don’t get me wrong, I hear you.  You’re asking what to do when your kids refuse to pick up their toys, put their clothes on, brush their teeth, clean up a mess they made.  I know.  i would still reword it.  I hear the words that you are asking.  And after they go through the filter that is oh-so-handily inside my ears, the question looks a lot more like:...
Post by Lucy Carter 0 comments
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01 January


Toddlers are fascinating little beings. They can go from laughing to crying in a split second, and so can their parents. The technical definition of a toddler is a child between the ages of 1 and 3, though some would consider this stage to extend to age 4. Toddlers’ brains develop at a rapid pace. Within a couple of years, most toddlers learn to walk, run, jump, ride a tricycle, climb and, yes, fall. They learn to talk, make associations, build, hold a crayon, feed themselves, play with toys, listen to stories and use their imaginations. The toddler stage is filled with fun and new experiences, but it can also be challenging for children and their parents as the little ones learn to communicate their wants and needs. Toddlers are really just trying to figure out: Am I a baby or a big kid? They go back and forth between...
Post by Lucy Carter 0 comments
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Want Need Wear Read: A holiday gift strategy to avoid an overwhelmed melt down on Christmas day
26 November

Want Need Wear Read: A holiday gift strategy to avoid an overwhelmed melt down on Christmas day

  Queue the soundtrack of overwhelmed kids crying hysterically! The over excitement built up to the meltdown we all know oh too well! Cue up relatives loudly giving their opinions about how we should handle it. That’s what Most family homes look like on this special holiday right ?  We love what Amanda Morin had to say:  "My boys, 5 and 13, have learning and thinking differences. The younger one can be impulsive and excitable. The older one can get anxious and has a hard time with social situations. Each holiday season, the boys faced an unorganized mountain of presents from us and from extended family. They had no idea what they were getting. They would literally shake with anticipation! When it was time to open gifts, each boy would claw and grab, trying to get whatever was his. Taking turns? Forget it. Then there was the disappointment. My kids often have very specific ideas of what...
Post by Lucy Carter 0 comments
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Build A Flower Garden Stacking Toys and Sorting Toys - Educational Value
17 November

Build A Flower Garden Stacking Toys and Sorting Toys - Educational Value

Stacking toys and sorting toys like our flower stacking toy  come in a wealth of varieties including stacking blocks, stacking rings and a stacking cups toy.Build A Flower Garden are dual purpose as they can be used to stack and make pretty flowers and also to teach parts of the flower. Stacking Toys and Sorting Toys are often thought of a traditional toy but our flower toy comes with a lovely modern twist. The large flower pieces are designed especially for little hands and fingers. Additionally we have packed each kit with a fun watering can so this toy can be used as a bath toy or even outside in the sandpit or garden bed! Build A flower garden is light and comes with a bag to clear up all the pieces - particularly good for traveling as they are so light. Many of the stacking and sorting toys are designed for...
Post by Lucy Carter 0 comments
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