Creative Toy Storage Ideas to Reduce Clutter in Small Spaces
Every parent wants the best for their children, and in their early years, that often means lavishing them with toys! Toys can be a valuable tool in helping babies' and children's brains develop, keeping them happy and thriving, and allowing Mom and Dad a moment of peace.However, toys have always been the source of the most clutter in my home, and I'm sure most moms feel the same way. My parents gave me a few toys as a child, and they were unconcerned about ordering them. However, because children nowadays have an abundance of toys, puzzle board games, and craft supplies, parents are concerned about items strewn across the floor.I've learned a few tricks over the years to help me keep the toy chaos under control, especially since I lived in a small space. And today I'm going to share some of my favorite toy storage ideas for small spaces. I...
Fine Motor Skills and Their Importance in Early Childhood
What Exactly Are Fine Motor Skills? The refined use of the small muscles in the hand that control the palm, fingers, and thumb is referred to as fine motor skills. We rely on these skills for many daily tasks that allow us to care for ourselves and be independent, such as dressing, eating lunch, and writing. It is important that children develop fine motor skills. Everyone understands how this will affect early writing, but this is only a small part of the picture. These skills develop naturally over time and can be aided by experimenting with toys and activities that encourage the development of this small muscle. These small muscles in the hand, like any other muscle, must be strengthened to develop strength and dexterity. Working on activities that promote the development of your mini humans' fine motor skills will allow them to become more independent in eating their dinner,...
Best Indoor and Outdoor Play Activities for Children
Physical activity is essential for a child's development. As your children grow, they learn a variety of new physical and social skills. Including daily indoor and outdoor activities in your routine is a great way to encourage this development. Coming up with fun activities for kids can be difficult because there are many things that your children may not want to do no matter how enjoyable you make them. Many of the things to do with kids that you try to start will fail, which is why having a wide variety of fun games for kids is a good idea. Take at least 20 minutes each day to enjoy outdoor play. Try to have outdoor time throughout the day in a variety of settings where your child can explore. There are many great indoor activities for kids, outdoor games for kids, and kids sports games to play, and it's worthwhile to...
I Wish I Could Just Get Them to Understand!
My toddler son recently asked me why he has to brush his teeth every day. He frequently asked this question after that day. That drove me insane.I've told him about cavities, shown him pictures of tooth decay, told him that if he doesn't brush his teeth, his breath will stink, and so on. I did everything I could to make him understand why he should brush his teeth every day, but he still challenges me every day.What can I say to make him realize how important it is, so he will take responsibility for doing it? I'm sure the majority of toddler parents can relate.I explained why watching too much TV is bad for him the other day. I spent a half-hour explaining why to him. Do you think anyone can do this three times a day? It simply exhausts me. And what should I do if he doesn't agree...
"They Must Understand What Is Wrong!"
"How will they learn that [hitting, swearing, breaking things, etc] is wrong if I don't punish them, give them some sort of consequence, or respond in some strong way?" They must understand that this is not acceptable! Isn't it my responsibility to make it clear to them that their behavior is unacceptable? If I just let them do it without telling them it's wrong, they'll think it's okay!"Take note. This is a myth.I (or you!) could walk into any preschool classroom, anywhere, tomorrow morning and ask any 3-year-old, 4-year-old, or 5-year-old if hitting, breaking, or swearing is okay, and 99.9% of them would clearly and definitively say no.This is one of the most common myths in life and in working with young children. So many of us fall into the trap of believing that if they know it's wrong, they won't do it. That is not how behavior works, nor is...